Dieta Mediterranea

Il percorso didattico vuole far comprendere i principi di una sana alimentazione, guidare gli alunni e le loro famiglie alla scelta degli alimenti, valorizzare la Dieta Mediterranea e i prodotti tipici del nostro territorio.  Una degustazione biologica è compresa nel...

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The 3D cinema, through special glasses and the latest generation technology,  offers a series of spectacular effects having a strong emotional involvement. In the second movie theatre funny movies on  the volcanoes of the worl are...

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It is a creative workshop inspired by the homonymous television broadcast. The workshop aims to provide a fun opportunity to develop creativity and imagination by making cheerful volcanoes or fanciful elephants to take home as...

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Inside an inflatable cinema with a dome-shaped roof , the spectator will watch a stunning and breath-taking projection about  astronomical...

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A real “Journey to the Earth” to find out how volcanoes are formed, how and why earthquakes occur and explain the theories of the origin of the Earth, plate tectonics and continental drift. All about the scientific, cultural and historical aspects of Mount...

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Archaeology is a discipline that can be experienced in a simple and enthusiastic way. The laboratory provides a simulation of archeological excavation to find various findings and identify their geological...

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